Five minutes a day

(Or get a fish)

“But I don’t HAVE 5 spare minutes a day to train the dog.”


Ok, I know the feeling, modern life is pretty insane. But let’s break it down. 1440 minutes. Every 24 hours you actually have 1440 minutes.

Granted, we spend a LOT (probably far too many tbh) of those minutes engaged in and travelling to and from work. 10 hours? Maybe 12? That’s between 600 and 720 of your precious minutes gone right there.

And then there’s sleep. Pretty important and if you’re getting your 8 hours in (lucky you!) that’s another 480 minutes gone.

So we could now be at 1200 minutes of used-up time but that still leaves 240 minutes, or 4 hours, of ‘me time’. I know what you’re going to say: you still have to shower, cook, eat, shop, Netflix, etc. and, at this point, I’m beginning to believe you when you say you don’t have time for dog training but WAIT…

We forgot walk-the-blinking-dog! Well now we’re talking, because if you’ve got time to walk the dog, you’ve got time to train the dog.

Ditch the podcast and spend 5 minutes of your walk training. Or cut the walk short by 5 and stick your training session on the end when you get home and you’ve put the kettle on. Either way, do that 4 or 5 times a week and suddenly you’ve gone from never-training-because-you-haven’t-got-time to 20+ minutes a week, which is a huge difference and won’t just make a huge difference to your relationship, it’ll change your life.

And if you genuinely, absolutely can’t create 5 minutes a day to spend building a life with your dog, you should probably get a fish…


no-one ever made a difference by being like everyone else ~ P.T. Barnum



It’s not about the tricks


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